Instructions to Authors |
IJPBS accepts research and review articles in pharmaceutical and biological sciences. The manuscript would be considered under the specific branches of pharmaceutical and biological sciences. Those branches are as follows
Manuscript Charges
Rs 2500 |
60 $ |
Euro 60 |
all the latest charges are available at the .
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Branches |
Pharmaceutics |
Novel drug delivery sys |
Nanotechnology |
Pharmacology |
Pharmacognosy |
Analytical chemistry |
Pharmacy practice |
Pharmacogenomics |
Medical Sciences |
Modern System of Medicine |
Ayurvedic,Sidha,Unani Sciences |
Polymer sciences |
Biomaterial sciences |
Medicinal chemistry |
Natural chemistry |
Biotechnology |
Pharmacoinformatics |
Biopharmaceutics |
Biopharmaceutics |
Biotechnology |
Regulatory Affairs |
Medical Biotechnology |
Biological Sciences |
Branches |
Therefore, the corresponding author is requested to mention the branches which comes under either pharmaceutical or biological sciences for their manuscript in their cover letter.
All manuscripts are subjected to Double blind peer review process and those of high quality (which are not previously published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in subsequent issue. Submit your manuscript with cover letter by email. The email is given in 'Submit manuscript' link. Submit manuscript in the “Submit Manuscript” button or link present in the journal webpage. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within 1 to 3 days.If you do not recieve any manuscript number or face any problem in submission please contact us. |
Copy Right Form |
The copyright form is available at our home |
- Authors should mention the title of article (Research or Review article along with the branch (for branch, kindly visit “Aim and Scope” of this journal under which the article to be published.
- All authors should sign the form. If any author is not available, the corresponding authored can sign the form prefixing “for” after getting permission author.
- This copy right form should be along with manuscript
Click here for Copy Right Form.
Instructions for Research Article |
These articles should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure in required details for others to verify the work. The article can be up to 3000 words excluding references and abstract. For proper referring and fast publication all manuscript should be grammatically correct and of good sholastic English style.
The manuscript should be prepared in English using “MS Word” with 1cm margin on all sides (Top, Bottom, Left and Right side) of the page. “Times New Roman” font should be used. The font size should be of 12pt but main subheadings may be of 14pt. All plant and microorganism's scientific names should be written in italic. All research article should be typed double spaced and should have the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), Conflict of interest, and References. |
Please see ”Model manuscript” of this Journal webpage to get an idea. |
Title Page |
The title should appear on a separate page which should then followed by the author name, the institution name and address by indicating suitable superscripts for respective authors. Title page should contain title of the paper in bold face, title case (font size 14), names of the authors in normal face, upper case (font size 12) followed by the address(es) in normal face lower case. An asterisk (*) must be placed after the corresponding authors name as superscript whose email id, fax, telephone number can be given at the bottom left corner of the title. Corresponding author has the responsibility to ensure that all co authors are aware and approved the contents of the submitted manuscript. Ensure that all authors affiliation is properly mentioned. |
Abstract |
Abstract is a summary of your work. This make any reader to decide if to read the whole paper or not. Thus pay much attentionin drafting the abstract. This section can be on the same title page. For research paper, abstract should detail the background, existing problems, your novelty of the study, experimental approach, major findings and conclusion. Begin your abstract with some background, purpose of your study, historical or early studies and the context and the existing problems. Use past tense when you write about early studies and back ground. Give about what is already known and what not known about the field related to your study and your research question. Then you need to provide novelty of your study and how you are going to address that problem. This is then followed by what methods, analytical techniques, participants and other relevant information's in brief. Try also to give critical information about the method such as sample size, medication doses, study duration etc. which may attract the reader to get in to your full paper. Further you can give 3-4 sentences about the result. Summarize the result and give the outcome of your result. It may be the biggest part of your abstract. Use present tense when you write about your methods and results. Later provide some few sentences about your discussion of those result and conclusive sentences. Avoid the abbreviation, diagram and reference in the abstract. It should be single - spaced and should not exceed 350 word. |
Keywords |
Key words are the essence of your whole paper. It helps your paper to get searched faster and increases more citations. So include most relevant keywords. 4-6 keywords that are highly specific to your study. You may also add 2-3 more words that are broadly related to your study. |
Introduction |
The manuscript should include a brief background of your study, existing problems, early studies which have reported solutions to that problems, your novelty in the study to address those problems, stating the purpose of the investigation. Only information essential to the arguments should be presented. You need to mention aim and objective of the study at the last part of introduction. Introduction should have, why you have selected the topic , what importance does it have in research , reason for using a particular research methods , how your research will fill the gap or lacunae that other early research failed to do so. Start your introduction broadly and slowly narrow down to your aim and objective. Initial part of the introduction should concentrate on background of your research, early and current study done and try to set the context for your study. Give appropriate reference or cite reference for those early done studies. Do not give much background (Since you are not writing a review paper), that may be more than sufficient and also can distract the reader. After providing sufficient background, you can narrow to the specific area within that broad back ground and slowly narrow to your research question and discuss the early studies lacunae. Problems should be included in clear sentences. Include some sentences about importance and seriousness of your research question or problems. The introduction should end with aim and objective of your study or your research question or your hypothesis. Your aim and objective is critical. So pay much attention for this aim and objective. Introduction should not be more than 1000 words. Simple present tense should be preferably followed in this section but for discussing early studies for the back ground you can use past tense. |
Materials and Methods |
This section must contain specific details about the materials studied, instruments used, specialized chemicals source under “Materials” subheading. Complete details with experiment conditions and related experimental details needed to be well drafted under “Methods” subheading which allows other research workers to reproduce the methods seamlessly. The design and protocol of the study should be well explained. Every method need to be explained in detail and no briefing of the methods is appreciated. Kindly use past tense in your method section, since you are elaborating the experiments which you have done already. This method section should also explain how the measurements, observations, calculation are made. Each methods need to have citing references (Trival methods and well known methods need not to have references but it is preferable that all methods to have citing reference). Each methods need to be in appropriate sequence and of same as your result section. Place subheading of the methods concerning general information initially and then place sections of detailed experiments (For eg: population characteristics , sources , bacterial strains genotypes, powder physical characteristics etc can be the initial subheadings , which were then followed by subheadings relevant to other critical study such as histopathology studies , XRD , DSC studies etc). Study period, location, type of study need to be mentioned in the methods. Subjects used in the study should be described in detail (for eg: In Use of patients – their age , sex and other datas relevant to the study etc) Ensure to cite references for each methods you had. The methods should be clear and much detail need to be given, so as to ensure reproducing the same. Each and every parameters, conditions etc should be mentioned (Eg: column type , temperature , flow rate, flow condition , column model etc for HPLC analysis). Do not discuss or list the advantages or disadvantages of the methods as this would distract the readers from the main theme of your study. Excess or unrelated information should be avoided. Ensure that for each study, controls need to be present for comparison with the test. Obtain permission for all fully borrowed, adapted, and modified tables and provide a credit line in the footnote. If any animal study was carried out, then the necessary institutional animal ethical committee approval should be taken and should be mentioned in the manuscript (preferably with Approval number). Animal care need to be maintained as per any international protocol (Eg: Helsinki declaration of animal care for biomedical research etc) and appropriate sentences and citing of suitable reference need to be made. If any human study was carried out, then necessary human ethical committee or appropriate approval should be taken and should be mentioned in the manuscript. Institutional approval permission need to be taken and mentioned in the manuscript. A written consent should be taken from the human subjects or patients involved in the study, ensuring their acceptance in the study and publication of relevant datas/photos/images in the journal and should be mentioned in the manuscript. The journal will not be responsible if any of the above if not followed and the editor’s decision would be final if any litigations arises during processing or after publishing.
If the manuscript has any terminologies relevant to ayurvedic, unani, siddha, homeopathy and similar fields, please visit M or relevant Ayush web site for globalized terminologies. |
Statistical Analysis |
Provide a paragraph under “statistical Analysis” before Result section. Include the statistical test used (such as ANOVA , Dennett’s test , chi square test etc. Mention the software (version) used for analysis. Use upper italics (P < 0.05) below the table where you have tabulated the data’s .The statistical method used to analyses data has to be also mentioned in the abstract. Sample size (n value) , p value (eg: p<0.05) need to be mentioned below the data table. The statistical analysis method used to analyses the data should also be mentioned in the abstract. |
Results and Discussion |
(1) Results: |
They are the findings of your methods and sequenced logically and importance but not interpreted (as interpretation is done in discussion). It needs to have observed data’s in paragraph under suitable subheadings. Relevant tables , figures , charts , images etc can be used to present the observed results. It should be in order or in similar sequence as that of your method section. Any observations that are not related to main aim and objective or the scope of the study or irrelevant to the study need to be excluded from the results to avoid distraction of readers or reviewers. Use relevant subheadings to represent similar or related observations. Do not rewrite all the same data’s presented in the table again in a paragraph which is a duplication of data’s. Rather better to summarize the table data’s or mention some significant data’s in the paragraph that you would draft below the respective table. You should not include any citing of references in the result section (Since you are giving your results , not of others ). |
(i) Tables: |
They convey complex and large amount of datas in a simple way. So, make it to communicate those datas clearly. It should be attractive to readers, such that it should persuade to take much time in understanding the datas rather than confusing. Make it a professional look which gives a better impression for your paper. Tables should be used wherever necessary and should have rows and columns to correlate the variables. It should be cell- based type (Microsoft word tables or Excel tables). Create tables using Microsoft word table format for having defined columns and rows. Do not use tabs or space bars or lines during preparation of tables. Do not send us tables as graphics or images or pictures. Avoid using empty columns or rows unless it is needed. Tables should be as compact as possible. Unnecessary rows and columns can be avoided. The table should be double spaced and separated from the text. The font can be of same size used in the text of the manuscript. Do not divide the table in to sub tables and not to use vertical or horizontal rules/lines. Table should be numbered accordingly in numeric order. The table should be numbered in roman numeral followed by the title. Explain the abbreviation, letters or symbols used in the table in the footnotes of the table. You can highlight any datas of significant importance to get the reader’s attention but mention that in foot notes.
The title or caption of the table should be one-line title in bold text with font size 12. Abbreviations can be used if needed and abbreviations that are used only in a table should be defined in the footnotes to that table and should be designated with superscript/subscript letters. The units used should be in SI nomenclature or the nomenclature common to a particular field. Unusual units or abbreviations can be defined in the legend. For research paper, datas inside the table (table that has control and test datas ) need to have + SD values for tables concerning with experiments, trials , study groups etc. Ensure that you need to have statistical values such as p and n values beow the table . A small paragraph need to be given below each table, explaining the contents inside the table. Avoid inserting the table in the middle of the sentence. Also ensure that your table need to have concise title / caption or legend, categorically divided datas for clear understanding and clarity , enough spaces between columns and rows , mentioning of appropriate units , legible fonts and its size , |
(ii) Figures: |
Figures should be used wherever necessary and should be near to the place were they are mentioned inside the result section. The figures can be of GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PDF. The figures should be comprehensible for the readers and should help them in understanding the paper. Consider labeling important parts inside the figure (for easy understanding).Unnecessary figures should be avoided. Avoid unnecessary colouring and excessive details. The title should be one-line title. Abbreviations can be used if needed and abbreviations that are used only in the figures should be defined in the footnotes to that figure. Mention or foot note the meaning of different colors or symbols used. The title should describe the contents, so each illustration can be understood on considering apart from the text. All figures should be numbered in roman numerals and should be cited in the text accordingly. The image/photograph should be cropped to show essential details. Magnification can be indicated by inserting the scale bar. The image/photograph should be clear and of high quality. Poor blurred or out of focus letters/symbols are not acceptable. The units used should be SI nomenclature or the nomenclature common to a particular field. Unusual units or abbreviations can be defined in the legend. The text or numeric content inside the figures need to be clear and legible . For graphs , mention or label both x and y axis , mention the units (appropriately), provide appropriate legends .For Map , mention latitude and longitude , scale bars , labeling of important items , map legends etc.
Avoid any manipulation of images or figures towards improving or proving your result. You can process your figures to certain extent for clarity or brightness or contrast improvement. Datas or information in the figure should not to be corrected in view of supporting your findings .It should faithfully support your original one. |
(2) Discussions: |
Discussion is what does your results says or means. You need to relate your discussion to your aim and objective. The discussion part should be done by discussing your obtained results. It is encouraged and appreciated that most of the result on discussing need to be supported by early studies (Citing of suitable references).Make sure that you cite atleast not less than 15 references in the discussion. You can get help from google scholar or pubmed to get relevant references to cite for the discussion of your results. Make sure that you interpret and discuss most of your result, such that you make use of your most results. Discussion part of already published papers in top rated journal specific for your work will give you an idea of how to draft a good discussion for your paper. Thus your result need to have major interpretations or finding of your study and their meaning behind, their relation to early studies citing with suitable references , unexpected findings or results you’ve got or any unexplained results (if any), any limitations of your study and future scope of your study. Kindly note that your discussion should not have any results which you have not performed (you need to discuss what you have done and its results) and avoid any baseless , unfounded, unwarranted and unreasonable speculations. Thus your discussion need to have the following,
- Major findings of your study
- Interpretations and meaning of those findings and its importance.
- Cite suitable reference of similar studies to your findings, to support your study and interpretations and relate your study to those similar studies.
- Alternate explanations for your study (If any). Try to consider all possible explanation for your results rather than giving only those that bias your objective of your study.
- State clinical relevance or medical usage of your study (Preferebly)
- At the end, mention the limitations of your study and future scope of your study.
- Do not over interpret the results .(Please refer any top journal published paper of similar study and their interpretation style and depth of their discussion)
- Avoid inflation or more boasting of your results which will disgust the reviewers and users of your paper.
- Avoid any unnecessary discussion that may change the direction of your aim and objective . Stay focused.
- Avoid critizing any other study, but professionally you can contrast your discussion from their findings. Try avoiding attacking those studies and do not preach or advice the readers .
Conclusion: |
Restate the research question or problem or your aim and objective. Sum up your results and discussion, implications or significance of your study and finally end with future scope and importance of your work and a take home message. Conclusion part should not be more than 300 words. |
Funding Acknowledgement: |
We appreciate to give an acknowledgement paragraph about the funding or grant received, financial assistance provided for conducting the study. Journal encourages to include funding or grant number which may help to get your paper accepted favorably but this is not mandatory. |
Acknowledgement: |
This section can be kept at the end of the manuscript before reference section and should not be more than 50 words. This section can be used to acknowledge those who had helped for your study, but do not qualify for authorship or to acknowledge funding , donated resources or significant contribution to the research |
Authors Contribution Statement |
This section states the contribution of each authors. Contribution to the paper may be of conceived and designing of the study , collection of datas ,analysis of datas ,writing of paper and more. Mention each author and their contribution for the paper.
Example : Mrs. Susheela P conceptualized and gathered the data with regard to this work Dr. Rosaline Mary and Dr. Radha.R analyed these data and necessary input were given towards the designing of the manuscript all authors discussed the mehtodology and results and contributed to the final manuscript. Please click this link to see more examples Click here |
Conflict of Interest |
Manuscript should have the declaration of conflict of interest andno conflict should exist. Mention “Conflict of interest declared none” under this subheading.
List of references cited inside the research paper should be presented here.
Click here for references details in .doc format Click here for the references details in .pdf format
Citing IJPBS published articles in your manuscript references is appreciable. |
Instruction for Case Reports |
We welcome case reports, that would provide improvement in diagnosis and enhances treatment. Medical case report, is a complete report about prognosis and diagnosis , symptoms , medical signs , physical , biochemical and anatomical examinations , discussion etc. Mostly, case reports is of single patients and so no institutional review board(IRB) or Institutional ethical committee approval is needed. But if the case report deals with more than one patient, IRB would be required. If you are a medical student, get the help of clinician since student might not have sufficient expertise. Get the written patient consent for this study and publication and mention the same in the case reports.
The case report should have any of the following,
- Adverse reactions or side effect that were not reported.
- Diseases that were not usual or not reported.
- Diseases that show new changes or modifications that were not reported.
- Unreported and new emerging diseases and its management.
- Unreported symptoms for any diseases.
- New trends or discovery of unreported pathogenesis of any disease.
- Observations that were unusual and unreported.
- Case events occurred unexpectedly.
- Variations in anatomy not early reported.
- Diagnosis that were unconclusive and unreported.
Case report should have the following sections;
Title |
Give a suitable and clear title in consulting with your supervisors or your team to get the essence of your case report and this helps to get short listed from any search done by a researcher. It should be a short description of your case report include list of authors name and institutional address in the title page. |
Abstract |
Give a brief background of your case report to make the reader know on what context you are presenting your case report, its importance and reason to be presented. Give some sentence about patient age, sex, ethnicity and relevant information along with his/her case presentation of complaint. Also include some information, that this is the first of its kind to be reported to the medical science field. Relevant back ground disease or pathology for this case report need to be presented to highlight the relevance of your case report. Then structurally summarize relevant points, but do not give any citing references which may include diagnosis, investigation, treatment and out come. Also, add 2- 3 lines about your discussion of the case study. Mention, how your case report is different from already existing diagnosis or treatment and how this would impact the medical world or medical literature and what lesson have learnt from this case report. Make sure this abstract is crisp and short with sufficient information as this makes any reader to read further your full case reports. The word limit for the abstract is 350 words approximately. |
Keywords |
Effective and specific keywords helps your case report to get higher indexing thus gets your case study in the top list during search by the right researcher . Key words are the essence of your whole paper. It helps your paper to get searched faster and increases more citations. So include most relevant keywords. 4-6 keywords that are highly specific to your study. You may also add 2-3 more words that are broadly related to your study. |
Introduction: |
The introduction part should give a general background of the disease or pathology relevant to the case.It should mention the need of the study, importance of the study and worth publishing. Importance and critical usefulness of the case study should be explained in support of early studies and literatures. Suitable citing of reference (reference number should be as superscript numbers) should be made appropriately. Do not exhaustively discuss the case in this introduction as that would be done in the “Discussion” section. This introduction should give an initial idea about the case . |
Case Presentations: |
This is the body of the case report. Required and sufficient information about the patients such as age, sex, demographic etc need to be included here. The existing medical condition, family and medical history of the case in appropriate chronological order should be presented. Enough chronological order need to be made while presenting the case and should satisfy the reader for its validity.This is then followed by diagnosis and prognosis of the presented medical condition. You need to present the clinical history, physical and clinical examination and investigations which may include biochemistry , laboratory and imaging findings . Differential and follow up diagnosis need to be presented. Description of any treatment or any intervention need to be presented. Final conclusion about the case diagnosis can also be presented. Author should also reveal any negative findings. Tables and figures can be presented with respective caption and description to have clarity about the diagnosis and also for the chronological presentation purpose. In case of any surgery case report, the detailed procedure of surgery along with pathologists report is needed for the presentation. |
Discussion: |
This is the critical and important part of the case report. This section summarizes all the important findings and interpretations to differentiate the case from what is already existing in the medical literature. This section need to have or present the uniqueness of the case along with knowledge and lessons learned, practical applicability and clinical practice. Early studies can be added to support your discussion with appropriate reference citations. Limitations of the case study should also be included. The contribution and significance of the case study for the medical science literature should be explained and highlighted well thus proving its uniqueness. |
Informed consent: |
Written informed consent should be taken from the patient involved in the study/report to assure that they do not have any objection to have their datas studied and for publication. Necessary sentence should be included in this section. |
Patient Perspective (If any) |
It is recommended to include or share in a paragraph about the patients opinion about the treatment. We recommend and appreciate to have this paragraph for better understanding of your case reports. |
Conclusion : |
Important and critical point discussed in the discussion can be stated and concluded in this conclusion Conclusion should have a short statement about the new information or the learned lessons from the case report. Not exceeding of 100 words is needed of this conclusion. |
Acknowledgements: |
This section can include any thanks or acknowledgement author wishes to present. |
Conflict of interest: |
No conflict of interest to be present for this party by any parties both present and in future. Sentence “Conflict of interest declared none” need to be included in this section. |
References |
List of references cited inside the case report should be presented here. |
Instruction for Review Article |
Your review should be a critical discussion and avoid making it as summary of early studies. If there are any contradictory researches in your field, you can discuss positive and negative points citing suitable references and discuss the significance. You can also make a review on a particular topic by collecting early published researches and reviews, such that an exhaustive coverage would be given for that topic in current scenario. Focus on recent advances of your topic (if it is well established), since very old review would be an obsolete and does not add goodness to your review. |
Title |
Try to avoid too broad topic or subject. Make narrow topic and make review exhaustively and this will rise more citation of your paper. Make your title to be concise, simple, clear and informative. This will help your review to get shortlisted during researchers search. |
Abstract |
You need to give a brief summary of you whole review. Include main points of your review. Include some brief points about early research/reviews published and their existing gap or lacuna and the significance or importance of that limitations. Further , add your scope or novelty of your review of how you are review is going to handle or fix those limitations or fill the gap . Do not extensively elaborate the reviews as you would be doing in your remaining part of your paper. The abstract should not be more than 350 words. |
Keywords |
Effective and specific keywords helps your review to get higher indexing thus gets your review in the top list during search by the right researcher . Key words are the essence of your whole paper. It helps your paper to get searched faster and increases more citations. So include most relevant keywords. 4-6 keywords that are highly specific to your study. You may also add 2-3 more words that are broadly related to your study. |
Introduction: |
Initially, introduce your review and provide a detailed background specific for your review. Detail about early similar reviews published and specify the lacuna or drawbacks of those reviews. Cite suitable references when you discuss those early reviews. Mention the importance of the lacunas that those review missed and introduce your scope of review that supports or address that lacunas. Make sure that to include sentences, why your review is relevant to current and existing scenario. Ensure that you provide current knowledge about the review. You need to highlight the important and critical points you would be reviewing in your review. Subheadings (specific for your review): Your review may require many terms , specific field classifications or categories . Make as many as subheadings to have indepth review for the said topic and extensively review each subheadings. Ensure that, you cite suitable references when you include early published researches or reviews. Avoid comments or reviews that state, what that particular research or review already stated in their paper. You may give the same, but try to add your perspective, your observation on those reviews and researches , its gaps or lacunas and make your review much more interesting. Figures or tables used for your review need to have reference citation. Ensure to get permission for its use ( if it needs permission ). We prefer to have maximum figures, pictures , images and tables for your reviews. |
Discussion: |
This section completely reviews all the above said subheading content. Please do not summarize all those subheading contents. You need to discuss further and try to find suitable connections, importance, influence and impact over future research or its scope. The review paper is not a summary of early studies. You have to provide your view of analyzing, synthesizing and interpretation of those review content or early studies or early reviews. You need to provide significance of your review or to the topic. Do not get distracted by describing any one review exhaustively, but stay focused to your topic during discussion. Organize your discussion point, such that reader understands your perspective of review. Your order of subheadings helps to have a good flow of discussion. Make sure that your discussion accomplishes the scope and objective of your review. If possible, you can also cite references to support your discussion points. |
Conclusion : |
Do not include any new information in this conclusion. A good conclusion connects major review points , critical discussion points and significance of your review. It also displays future scope of the review, impact on research and research trends of those reviewed research. |
Funding Acknowledgements: |
We appreciate to give an acknowledgement paragraph about the funding or grant received, financial assistance provided for conducting the study. Journal encourages to include funding or grant number which may help to get your paper accepted favourably but this is not mandatory |
Acknowledgements: |
This section can be kept at the end of the manuscript before reference section and should not be more than 50 words. This section can be used to acknowledge those who had helped for your study, but do not qualify for authorship or to acknowledge funding , donated resources or significant contribution to the research |
Authors Contribution Statement |
This section states the contribution of each authors. Contribution to the paper may be of conceived and designing of the study ,collection of datas , analysis of datas ,writing of paper and more. Mention each author and their contribution for the paper. Example : Mrs. Susheela P conceptualized and gathered the data with regard to this work Dr. Rosaline Mary and Dr. Radha.R analyed these data and necessary input were given towards the designing of the manuscript all authors discussed the mehtodology and results and contributed to the final manuscript. Please click this link to see more examples Click here |
Conflict of interest: |
Manuscript should have the declaration of conflict of interest. No conflict of interest should exist . Mention “Conflict of interest declared none” under this subheading. |
List of references cited inside the research paper should be presented here.
Click here for references details in .doc format Click here for the references details in .pdf format
Ethical Matters |
Authors involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research article should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical committee in accordance with “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care”. The Method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained. |
Manuscript Charges |
As our journal is an hybrid open access journal, considering the authors cost affordability we recommend the fee of article processing charge (Under Subscription Model) of Indian Rs 7,000/- or USD 200$ or EURO (equivalent to USD 200$) Per Manuscript and the article will be published under subscription with a dedicated DOI. This charge ensures publication of the manuscript with peer review in the forth coming issue in our hybrid open access model . If authors or their sponsors have fund and are willing to opt Gold / Green Open access they can communicate to the journal office. You will be guided through the whole procedure including the payment of the respective Gold or Green open access model. Click to know more about Gold or Green open access. The fee for this model ensures publication of the manuscript with peer review in the forth coming issue in our hybrid open access model under respective type. Payment of the processing fee does not guarantee the article to be published.We try our best to get the article published in the forth coming issue and this is possible if author reply to our email without any delay. We expect author to rectify the manuscript based on the reviewer comments to the editorial board satisfaction without any delay and if delay happens, your manuscript would be scheduled to respective next forth coming issue. So we request authors to take full care and fast in rectifying the reviewer comments.We also have ultra fast process publishing for authors who want to publish their manuscript fast were we involve more number of qualified reviewers to get your manuscript peer reviewed and this favours fast peer review. We also do pay them for their fast response. Even in this fast review we do not compromise on review quality and authors should rectify the said comments. We take a special separate track for this ultrafast process and urge the reviewers, Editorial board members , authors towards the said publication date. Kindly contact our journal office for details. |
Galley Proofs |
Galley proofs would be sent unless indicated otherwise to the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proof are to be returned without delay with correction (if any). The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published manuscripts.
Time frame/Time line: |
To know the time frame/time line of processing the manuscript by our journal office kindly click here. |
Authorship Criteria: |
Our Journal follows authorship criteria given in ICMJE and COPE guidelines for preserving the academic values. Authors need to give authorships who have given their relevant contributions to each or specific part of the work or for the manuscript. Authors and co authors contributions should be reliable , accurate , precise ,rational , reproducible and need to have work integrity.
Some of the authorship criteria’s are;
- Authors should have a contributions to the concept , idea , experiments , results , interpretations , discussions , analysis of datas , design , writing and journal communication of the manuscript etc significantly.
- Authors should be able to follow journal guidelines and should need to rectify the peer review , copy editing , proof reading and other relevant comments towards successful publication of the work.
- Each authors are expected to follow and abide peer review , copy editing instructions , ethical conflicts and editorial policies , expression of concerns , article withdrawal and retraction and any other issues related to the article.
- Corresponding authors responsibility to comply with journal requirements , provide ethical committee approval nd relevant informations , patients and individual written consents , authors details , disclosure of conflict of interest etc.
- Authors can join or co work or collaborate with any other experts or associations or institutions for execution and publication of the work, but the authors has the responsibility if to have them as authorship based on the authorship criteria. Journal avoids and do not take any responsibility for any authorship conflicts.
- Each and every authors need to review and approve the manuscript , including the final version before publication. Processing manuscript will be withheld at any stage if any of the author objects or disapproves the manuscript.
- It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to communicate from and to with the journal (even after publication) and getting approval from all the authors.
Guest, Ghost and Gift Authorship |
Ghost authors are those who had significant contribution to the work or manuscript but not have given appropriate authorship which may be an issue of concern. Authors and co authros can decide about their authorship considering their degree , quantity and significant of their contribution .Gift authors are those who may either be of higher rank , senior officials or of similar nature as a token of respect or for biasing or influencing for favorable publications and this authorship is of unethical publishing and disregards the credibility of authorship.
Please visit the following for further reference
- COPE Authorship. available at
- Ghost, guest, or gift authorship in a submitted manuscript DOI:
- Ghost or Gift authorship suspect. COPE flow chart. Availabel at
- COPE Authorship discussion document .DOI:
- How to recognise potential authorship problems. COPE DOI:
*Impact factor is issued by scientific journal impact factor which is available at Kindly note that this is not the IF of Journal Citation Report.
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