The objective of the IJPBS is publication of research work that is original, relevant and highly contributive to the development of the world and betterment of life in this world. To achieve this aim of dissemination of knowledge and to promote excellence in the field of medicine, the Journal adopts a highly ethical publishing process.
The Policies governing the Ethical principles are very strongly adhered to. And any case of non-conformity to the ethical regulations of the Journal is considered seriously.
Manuscripts submitted to the IJPBS are checked for plagiarism, and if it is deducted steps are taken to ensure publication of un-plagiarized works. Read more about the plagiarism policy of the IJPBS [click here] .
Peer Review
All submitted manuscript will undergo double Blind Peer Review. Either author or reviewer will not now be revealed each other to prevent any biasing of review. To now complete peer review [click here] .
Consent for identifying information
The Journal conforms to the requirements stipulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) with regard to consent to publish identifying information. Manuscript having datas or images or information which can identify the individual or patient will not be accepted for publication. Read more about this of Consent for identifying information[click here] .
Conflict of interest
Aspects like financial interest, material gain or personal interest or any other similar interest may influence the manner in which a research work may be approached. If this influence exists, then there arises a conflict of interest. Throughout the editorial and peer review process there are many chances for existence of conflicts of interest from the point of view of authors, editors, and peer reviewers. All parties must voluntarily disclose any information regarding conflicts of interest so that the quality of the author’s works is not influenced or compromised. The Journal conforms to the requirements stipulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) with regard to consent to publish identifying information
Manuscript having datas or images or information which can identify the individual or patient will not be accepted for publication. Read more about this of Conflict of interest [click here]
Clinical Trial Policy
Our journal adheres to the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which employs the World Health Organization's definition of a clinical trial. A clinical trial is what the ICMJE defines as: "Any study that assigns individuals or groups of individuals to one or more health-related interventions in the future to assess the effects on their health. Any treatment used to alter a biological or health-related result is considered a health-related treatment (for example, drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioural treatments, dietary interventions, and process-of-care changes). All biological or health-related measurements taken from patients or participants are referred to as health outcomes, and this includes adverse events and pharmacokinetic measurements. Purely observational studies (those in which the choice of the medical intervention is not up to the investigator's discretion) are exempt from registration requirements." For more Click here
The ICMJE allows registration in any registry which is a major register of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and has the standard minimum 24-item trial registration dataset, as well as in, that is a database supplier to the WHO ICTRP.
To know more about Publication Policies, Kindly [click here]
Please refer
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
COPE Council.COPE Guidelines: A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors.May 2019