International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
    ISSN 0975-6299


The journal follows   Authorship criteria of ICMJE and COPE  to its maximum to maintain credibility of academic values.

Author needs  to identify co authors that are responsible for each and every part of the work and manuscript drafting.All authors should be confident enough over the dependability , reproducibility , rationality , accuracy and integrity of the work of other co authors.

The following are the main criteria for the authorship of the manuscript.

         1.They should have a significant contribution to the design ,concept ,  aim , objective , experimental , results , data interpretations, data analyse , discussions of the work

         2. They should be able to modify the manuscript based on journal requirement during processing for publication

 Authors and co authors can make collaborative contributions with any person or association or bodies for the study but authors as a whole bears the responsibility to have those who satisfy the above criteria for listing as authors and co authors and journal does not take this responsibility or involve in author conflicts.

Manuscript should be  reviewed and approved by all the authors. Manuscript not been approved by any one of the authors would be rejected at any stage if found. Corresponding authors responsibility is to get the concern form all the authors for publication. The author who is senior and more expert in the study should review the manuscript finally before submission to the journal. Authors are encouraged to state their contribution in the acknowledgement.

Corresponding author has to take the responsibility for communicating with the journal from and during submission and even after post publication.They need to respond to peer review , copy editing comments, ethical conflicts , expression of concern issues , retractions , and any other issues or process relevant to the publication of the respective article.

It is the responsibility of the corresponding author  to abide and complete journal requirements for the article , ethical committee approval , written consents , authorship details ,proving or relevant and requested document , conflict of interest disclosures even if it  relevant to any other authors.

Ghost, Guest and GIft Authorship:

 Ghost Author is a person who had contributed to the article based on authorship criteria but not given the credit of authorship in the manuscript. These  are Issues of concern. Though they may not be related directly to the study but might have given a significant contribution via other professional services.

  Any senior or high ranked authors are been added due to respect or of any influence or of biasing towards favourable publishing are called as gift or guest authorship which is not of ethical in publishing.


Please refer

  2. COPE Authorship . available at
  3. Ghost, guest, or gift authorship in a submitted manuscript DOI:
  4. Ghost or Gift authorship suspect. COPE flow chart .Availabel at
  5. COPE Authorship discussion document .DOI:
  6. How to recognise potential authorship problems. COPE DOI:



Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy
Pharmaceutical Fields
Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Pharmaceutics
Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Novel drug delivery system
Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Nanotechnology
Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Pharmacology
Welcome to IJPBS,Pharmaceutics, Novel, drug, delivery, system, Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosy
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