The aim of the study is to formulate topical and ethosomal gels of ethanolic extract of Gomphrena globosa L. flowers for better patient compliance. The topical gels F1-F4 were formulated using carbopol (1.5%). The ethosomal gels E1-E4 were formulated with ethanol (10%) and phospholipid (2%). The prepared topical and ethosomal gels were subjected to physical evaluations, in vitro diffusion studies, entrapment efficiency, pH determination, viscosity, spreadability, zeta potential and scanning electron microscopy. In vitro release studies of F3 and E3 formulation after 6 hours were found to be 84.25% and 91.83%, of 20% ethosomal gels of G. globosa L. respectively. All the formulations were found to be easily washable, spreadable and free from grittiness. The entrapment efficiency of 10%w/w ethosomes has highest value 87.5% with respect to all other formulations. The formulation E3 containing 20% w/w of ethanolic extract of Gomphrena globosa L. has shown promising results with 91.83% drug release after 6 hours with pH pH 7.2, viscosity 28,200 cps, Zeta potential -37.3 mV, with specific vesicular size and shape was observed by SEM and it was found stable in refrigeration and room temperature even after 1 month.
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