International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
    ISSN 0975-6299

Int J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 13 issue 2, April - June, Pages:38-47

Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices – Benefits and Challenges

Kalyan Kumar Gopal, Arulius Savio Pr, Saranya Nidhyanandan,Shyam Sunder Rao Chepuru, Makesh Ramalingam, Manjunath Hadavanahalli Shivarudraia

With advancements being accelerated in fields of Machine learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and the Internet of Medical Devices (IoMD), Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly evolved over the last decade. This transformation has opened doors for new possibilities of fostering AI in Medical Devices (AIMD) for applications that have not been explored before. With the current advancements in the computational capabilities, there has been a wide range of Medical Devices released in the global market, which are either supported by or driven by software to deliver its intended purpose. But with the advent of AI, software though built upon a string of codes has no restriction on the choices that it could make, since its essence lies on the deducing a decision based on a predictive analysis. This has called for rethinking our conventional approach towards the usage of Software in Medical Devices. Coupling with the rapid growth rate of these devices and their focus on delivering impeccable assistance to the facilitators who were doing things all by themselves previously, it also calls for a proper set of guidelines to regulate the usage of AIMD, considering its massive scalability and the gargantuan amounts of data that it brings along with it. This paper focuses on extrapolating the growth factors of AIMD along with the prerequisites that ought to be met by the organizations to prepare themselves for transforming and adopting this new technology. It also covers the aspects that are to be emphasized in regulating it in the forthcoming years.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Medical Devices, Medical Imaging, Diagnostic Devices, Cloud computing, AI regulations, Software as Medical Device, Medjacking
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