Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder with a common denominator of hyperglycemia, arising from a variety of pathogenic mechanisms. The study aimed to evaluate the drug utilization pattern of anti-diabetic drugs in type 2 diabetic patients and to observe the efficacy associated with anti-diabetic therapy. A prospective observational study was carried out in diabetic patients visiting the department of general medicine in a tertiary care teaching hospital over six months. The patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus were identified, and all the demographic details, drug prescriptions, and clinical data of patients were collected and documented in a suitably designed case report form. Based upon the study criteria, 100 people were enrolled in the study. Among the majority of study subjects, 57% were female and 43% were males. The large numbers of diabetic patients were between the age group of 41- 60yrs. Hypertension was the most common comorbid condition. The prescription pattern showed that the majority of patients were prescribed dual therapy and about 48%, Metformin was largely prescribed anti-diabetic drug in all the prescriptions. Among combinations, metformin with glimepiride was frequently prescribed. The present study helped to find out current drug utilization patterns of oral anti-diabetic drugs with different comorbidities concerning diagnosis. Among all the anti-diabetic drugs, metformin was most commonly prescribed. In second-generation sulfonylureas, glimepiride was most commonly prescribed. The practice of metformin monotherapy is limited and it is frequently prescribed in combination with other anti-diabetic drugs. The study also highlights the need for comprehensive management of diabetic patients, including lifestyle changes, dietary control, hypoglycemic agents, cardiovascular prevention, treatment of complications, and comorbidity. Therefore, through the drug utilization patterns, attempts can be made to improve the quality and efficiency of drug therapy.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Bigunaides, HbA1C and MMAS-8
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