International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
    ISSN 0975-6299

Int J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 12 issue 4, October - December, Pages:8-20

Application of Electrochemical Technologies for the Treatment of Industrial Wastewater - An Overview

Sagnik Das and Sukanchan Palit

Environmental engineering, environmental protection and chemical process engineering are today in the avenues of new scientific revelation and deep scientific regeneration. Industrial wastewater treatment and water purification stand in the midst of scientific introspection and scientific comprehension. Both conventional and non-conventional environmental engineering techniques are today the needs of the hour. Non-conventional environmental engineering techniques involve electrochemical treatments and advanced oxidation processes. This review investigates the application of electrochemical technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater. In the article we have also depicted profoundly the immediate need and the immediate concerns of electrochemical treatments of industrial wastewater. The applications of nanotechnology are also delineated in minute details. The main objective of this article is to elucidate on electrochemical technologies, nanotechnology applications and non- conventional environmental protection methods. The present study deeply deals with various electrochemical technologies in the treatment of industrial wastewater. Various areas of nanomaterials and engineering nanomaterials applications in the treatment of water and wastewater are the other areas of deep scientific research pursuit. Heavy metal groundwater remediation and electrochemical treatments are also dealt with scientific vision and scientific ingenuity in this paper. Arsenic groundwater contamination is a disaster to human life on earth. The authors also stresses on these areas of scientific introspection.

Keywords: Environment, pollution, water, electrochemical, sustainability, industrial, wastewater
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