Int J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 16 Issue 1, January - March, Pages:1-12
A Review on an Epilepsy Epidemiology Focuses on its Measures, Data Sources, and Global Burden of Disease from 2010-2019 Before the Onset of the COVID- 19 Pandemic
This review includes all the additional evidence and cutting-edge knowledge regarding the epidemiology of epilepsy that the previous article skipped. There are fewer articles related to the epidemiology of the disease and some on the burden of disease. To bring about educational change in line with the vision for the existing health system, we at the institutional level gather in this article a full description of the epidemiology of epilepsy, aggregating all standard measure concepts and different sources with some evidence of observational studies according to the World Health Organization. To make comparisons on the topic, we limited our investigation to the last ten years, from 2010 to 2019, which fell before the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to update a review and analyse the burden of the disease at the global level. We studied and concluded that, globally, in 2019, distinctive epilepsy incidents increased in all ages by [1.5 million (1.1–2.0)] in males and [1.3 million (0.9–1.7)] in females; prevalent cases increased by [13.0 million (9.9–16.2)] in male and [12.0 million (9.1–15.1)] in female as compared to 2010, respectively; death 114010.9 (95% UI, 100177.7 to 129928.1); high SDI (socio-demographic index) regions showed the lowest death as compared to low SDI regions in all age and sex. We updated estimates for up to 2023 and explored new data, methodological improvements, and up-to-date available information to help allocate resources.
Keywords: Epilepsy, Epidemiology, Data sources, Measures, Global, Prevalence
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